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- 1420Y00F06avantg14Y00J1NThe Jiffy Bag - A Home Companion
- 1213Y00F04ruby12NJude/Panda
- 0819Y00F05xfont08Y00J0N
- 0811Y04C5Y09C1NThe Jiffy bag must rank alongside the greatest inventions of the 20th
- 0801Ncentury, such as the car, the plane, the Amiga and `Bugs.' In comparison to
- 0811Y23C5Y28C1Nsuch greats the humble jiffy might not look like much, but you would be wrong
- 0801Nto just dismiss it, off hand, as merely a practical disk transporter. No,
- 0811Y04C5Y09C1Nthe jiffy has many more (sadly often overlooked) practical uses:
- 0801N
- 0801N Several jiffys make for a great way to soundproof your entire bedroom so
- 0801N you are able to set up your own illegal pirate radiostation. The many air
- 0801N bubbles trapped inside each bag can completely block out any sound. Just
- 0801N try shouting into a jiffy and listen. Nothing. Not even the sound of
- 0801N the prick of a pin.
- 0801N
- 0801N How many times have you gone to breast feed a young infant only to find
- 0801N you are unable to yield sufficent quantities of milk? It's a pain, but no
- 0801N more problems if you have a jiffy! The inner plastic section of a jiffy
- 0801N is water-tight (or rather milk-tight) meaning that it is perfect for milk
- 0801N storage. Store you excess breast milk in a jiffy and baby need never go
- 0801N without. What's more the jiffy bag is the perfect shape to snuggly fit an
- 0801N entire breast when decanting fluid and, helpfully, the jiffy comes in a
- 0801N variety of cup sizes to fit every woman.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1N3> MITTENS
- 0801N Perfect for that winter weather. Slip a jiffy on each hand and you have
- 0801N an attractive and practical pair of gloves. Jiffys are so cheap you no
- 0801N longer have to tie your mittens on a piece of string, threaded through
- 0801N both arms of your jacket, you can afford to be extravagant and through
- 0801N away jiffy-mittens for pleasure. What's more, when you clap in jiffy
- 0801N mittens it produces a popping sound, so you can put less effort into each
- 0801N clap, which is perfect for boring school award cerimonies.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1N4> DILDO
- 0801N Obviously no vagina could take even the smallest of jiffys, due to
- 0801N unfeasibly large widths of the bags, but a rolled up jiffy is just the
- 0801N right shape for personal and lesbian masterbation. A jiffy is sturdy and
- 0801N with maintain it's rigidness all night, but due to it's air bubbles it is
- 0801N also flexible, to reach every nook and cranny. Top Tip- Peel away the
- 0801N brown paper on your jiffy so you are left with just the bumpy bubbles, for
- 0801N extra satisfaction.
- 0801N Need a double dildo? Another jiffy and some sturdy removal style tape
- 0801N will survice to create a magnificant sex aid, that is flexibly joined at
- 0801N the middle.
- 0801N
- 0801N By applying straps to either side of your jiffy you have a cheap
- 0801N replacement school bag. An A3 jiffy can hold all your school books, plus
- 0801N your lunch and because the jiffy-satchel has a plastic interior there is
- 0801N no need for cling-film on your sandwichs. The Jiffy satchel comes in
- 0801N traditional satchel brown and new and exciting, brilliant white. Be the
- 0801N envy of your classmates. No need for expensive sports logos when each
- 0801N jiffy-satchel comes covered in trendy postage marks and used stamps.
- 0801N
- 0801N Plus!, unlike other school bags the jiffy satchel can easily be repaired
- 0801N with the aid of a roll of removal tape.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1N6> STILTS
- 0801N No, of course a jiffy cannot be used for real stilts as that would be
- 0801N crazy, but if you are a midget the jiffy still has a handy part to play in
- 0801N making you a decent height so (a)you won't get the shit kicked out of you
- 0801N for being small (b)people will kick the shit out of you, rather than
- 0801N embarrising you by saying that they won't kick the shit out of you cause
- 0801N your too small.
- 0801N By seperating one jiffy into it's 2 componant halves, you will be left
- 0801N with 2 padded rectangles that should neatly fit your favourite trainers.
- 0801N By standing in jiffy padded trainers you will instantly grow several feet
- 0801N in a way that is both entirely natural and artistic. The jiffy trainer
- 0801N pads can also make it so you can fit into your dad or mum's shoes without
- 0801N having to purchase expensive rubber linings from shoe shops. Also, cause
- 0801N the paper side of a jiffy is sweat absorbant they act as a cheap form of
- 0801N oder-eaters!
- 0801N
- 0801N Peel the paper off your bags so you are left with a see-through jiffy.
- 0801N The jiffy can then be used to clean your arse after a toilet session, and
- 0801N rather than waste millions of trees as paper does, the jiffy can be rinsed
- 0801N under the tap after each wipe of the arse, and then be reused by the next
- 0801N person in the toilet. A carefully chosen jiffy should both fit neatly
- 0801N when shoved up ones arse (we recommend you insert the jiffy, wearing it in
- 0801N the mitton fashion) so as no shit can get on one's hands, put also not too
- 0801N big that it starts to give you piles. The jiffy-wipe has a multi-purpose
- 0801N as it also provides anal pleasure when used correctly.
- 0801N
- 0811Y00C3Y03C1N8> FANCY DRESS
- 0801N Have you ever been invited to a fancy dress ball and looked in the
- 0801N wardrobe only to find you have nothing to wear. Well your troubles are
- 0801N over, you no longer have to attend a party dressed as a nudist when you
- 0801N can go as `Jiffy Man.' The `Jiffy Man' costume consists off a jiffy face
- 0801N mask, created by putting a jiffy over your head. They're are 2
- 0801N precautions you must take before putting a jiffy over your head. Firstly
- 0801N ensure you have created mouth and eye holes so you are able to eat/drink/
- 0801N breath/see/know where to put things. Secondly ensure that it is a clean
- 0801N jiffy you are using and not one that has been lurking about several months
- 0801N in the bathroom, being used to wipe peoples arses with.
- 0801N
- 0801N The next part of the `Jiffy Man' costume is his magic hat, also created
- 0801N with a jiffy bag, but I'm sure you can figure out how to create that one
- 0801N yourself. Jiffy-mittens (see above) are optional. If you are a boy you
- 0801N will require a jiffy cod piece which can be created by tieing string
- 0801N around your waste and then attaching it to a jiffy (I recommend a big
- 0801N jiffy so you can impress people with your size) in which you can store
- 0801N your genitals, warmly.
- 0801N For girls, the `Jiffy Woman' costume consists of a jiffy bra, consisting
- 0801N of 2 jiffys and a piece of string. The jiffy bags should be applied to
- 0801N the breasts in a similar fashion to the practical jiffy breast feeder. A
- 0801N jiffy posing pouch can be created by getting a larger jiffy and cutting
- 0801N the corners away on either side of the bottom, so your legs can fit
- 0801N through. The jiffy cod piece, bra and posing pouch are optional depending
- 0801N on what kind of party you are attending. These garments can also be
- 0801N created out of flimsier jiffies if they are required to come off with the
- 0801N minimum of resistance as the night goes on.
- 0801N If you have hundreds of jiffys avalible you might like to staple them all
- 0801N about your person and go dressed as popular, nice-fat guy, the Michelan
- 0801N Man.
- 0801N
- 0801N Brighten your room up with the minimum of cash using a selection of
- 0801N different jiffies on your wall. Each jiffy poster has it's own history of
- 0801N old addresses, different postal marks and traces of stamps. Also, the
- 0801N jiffy poster makes the ideal present for a swapper, as each jiffy (s)he
- 0801N recieves through the post will contain his/her own name and address on,
- 0801N so (s)he can always remember who (s)he is and where (s)he lives -
- 0801N important if you spread your name about for warez. Be carefull when
- 0801N applieing pins to the jiffy poster as they may make a small popping sound
- 0801N which could deafen a young individual, or worse put an old person into a
- 0801N state of shock, leading to a fatal stroke.
- 0801N
- 0801N If your the kind of sad arse who buys every copy of AF and stores them
- 0801N all in imaculate conditon in a binder you probably won't even know what a
- 0801N jiffy is, unless Pat MacDonald told you it was one of the new wave of
- 0801N RISC based machines. If on the other hand you have a few dog-earred
- 0801N copies of AF, bought for 10p each down a car boot sale or in a help the
- 0801N aged shop the jiffy binder could help you organise your collection of
- 0801N AFs into a way you could never have dreamed of before. Imagine never
- 0801N having to flick through a big pile to find the issue where Damien Noonan
- 0801N got told he was a twat, or where Nick Veitch lost his virginity to a
- 0801N PCMCIA slot - with the jiffy-binder you will have all your copies of AF
- 0801N chronologicaly arranged just a finger tip away! To create a jiffy binder
- 0801N cut away 2 of the remaining sealed sides of the jiffy (so you are left
- 0801N with a jiffy that resembles a 2 page pamphlet, such as Amiga Shopper).
- 0801N Next simply pile your AFs inside in order they were published. Hey
- 0801N presto!- one jiffy binder which will protect those precious Amiga Formats
- 0801N from tea stains, incontinance and being dropped out of windows and then
- 0801N ridden over by a bike. As recommened by Richard Baguely.
- 0801N
- 0806Y00C3NI hope you enjoyed this guide to the other side of the world of jiffy and if
- 0801Nyou have anything to add on the marvelous properties of this precious device,
- 0801Ndrop me a bell, or even better write them down and send them in.
- *!EOF